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Portrait Photography: Cool Kids!

Posted on: 9th June 2016 by Elaine Pringle Media Services and Consultancy | No Comments

CTRY9229One of the benefits of this line of work is to be able to bring out the personalities of individuals in just one click. I have often found with doing family shots or portraiture work that many of the shots that are liked and loved by the family and/or individual are the ones where they are not stoic and controlled rather the ones where they are a) ‘fooling around’, b) exercising the face, c) captured when they believe they are in between shots or d) able to recall what they were thinking when the photo was taken. Funnily enough, these are the photos I like to display on my album or blog as they are so natural, not forced and you want to look at them time and time again – with a smile.


I also love, during a session to take photos of children that are a little different to the norm. Often enough, they dictate the images they want (always opposite to the parents!) and there you see an interesting side to them. Love the results and secretly so do the parents. Now, I’ve done a few ‘cool kids’ shots and believe the requests are increasing for yes, the traditional photos of their loved ones but also something a little edgier and different. Let’s bring out the rebel in our little angels to look back time and time again with fondness of the shoot itself. Below are some of the images taken of the Cool, the Hip and the Trendy kids.

Cool Kids 2

Please do not hesitate to contact me on the channels provided if you would like some ‘art’ or something a little edgier in the portraits of little loved ones.

Cool Kids


You’d be amazed at the result of the shoot. I’m always!Version 2

There is more comedy in our children than we give them credit for.


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